Saturday, January 26, 2008


Our QE workshops are exciting and power packed with more than enough fun and lively bliss to go around. Let us know what you liked about your workshop and what was the most valuable QE tool you took home with you.
Thanks much.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My Husband the Skeptic is now a Believer!

Dr. Frank Kinslow has been my Chiropractor, Spiritual Guide, Healer, Nutritionist and much more for nearly 28 years. His forward thinking has benefited me in nearly every aspect of my life. Most recently, he has introduced me to two life-altering options and I have thrived!

First is the EASY 3 Step Detox program… I went my first round in July 2007, with very low expectations. I was 60 pounds overweight from some hormone therapy I had done several years earlier. I was terribly out of shape, climbing a flight of stairs left me winded. At least Five Days a week I was so run down I could not find the energy to do anything but lye in bed or on the sofa. I did the Detox Program (I extended each step) and I was a new women. My energy level increased drastically. My menstruation regulated for the first time in my life! My weight Dropped 20 pounds during the Detox and has continued to drop… My current total loss is 35 pounds. I fell off the wagon during the holidays and I felt it right away so, I started my next round last weekend. I already feel more energetic. So much so that I have started my spring cleaning early and my husband and I are helping my mom remodel her kitchen and living room and the best part is I have enough energy to do it all and then some. THANK YOU Dr. Kinslow!!

Next the amazing techniques used in his new book The Secret of Instant Healing. I had an extended QE session with him in November and was amazed at how much pain and tension I released in just one session. I was well on my way to healing both emotionally and physically. I had two follow up sessions with him and after the last one, I felt better than I had in six years. He even helped me with my severe claustrophobia and acrophobia. I did have some lingering issues and was disappointed I would not be able to have any more sessions with him (I live in Ohio). Then he told me that he could work on me with out being in the same room, state or country. I have to admit, I was a little skeptical but what did I have to lose? Therefore, for three nights, he worked on my problem areas and each morning I woke up felling much better and as the day progressed, the pain continued to decrease! I could not believe it worked and it worked excellently. Then he told me I could do this technique on others or myself. I was ecstatic! Things got busy with the holidays and travel and I had put this all on the back burner until I got this tremendous headache. Nothing worked to ease my pain so finally I called Dr. Kinslow and asked him for some help. He agreed to work on me that night and while we were talking, he asked what my husband thought of all of this. I told him that he was happy it worked for me but did not really believe it worked. My husband had been complaining about a sharp pain in his neck and I mentioned this to Dr. Kinslow. He offered to work on my husband after he worked on me. That night before going to sleep, I asked my husband how his neck was and he told me it was getting worse. I did not tell him that Dr. Kinslow was going to work on him as well as me so when he woke in the morning feeling great he was shocked to find out why. At first he didn’t believe me that Dr. Kinslow worked on his pain the previous evening then he was amazed that the pain he couldn’t get rid of was gone because of a Dr. in Florida. He is anxiously awaiting the release of The Secret of Instant Healing so we can learn how to heal each other. If you are a Skeptic give it a try… What do you have to lose? Nothing, but you have everything to gain.
Rebecca M